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A special fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products

Time:2020/09/15 Visits:787
There are many kinds of plastics in our life. Now the color requirements of plastics in our life are more and more strict. Of course, we need to add some additives to make the products white and colorful. Many manufacturers of plastic products know that fluorescent whitening agent can solve the problem of products. So how to choose fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature plastic products Rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products is selected. The production temperature of plastic products has more than 100 degrees, more than 200 degrees, more than 300 degrees. We often encounter plastic products with more than 100 degrees and more than 200 degrees. Of course, many whitening agents are also very suitable. But for plastic products with more than 300 degrees, the production temperature of injection molding and plastic dipping is relatively high, and many whitening agents can not be used. The melting point has reached, and after use, not only the whitening effect can not be achieved Therefore, it is better to choose special whitening agent for high temperature plastics, rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products.

Rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products is suitable for many kinds of products, and its high temperature resistance can reach 380 degrees. Therefore, the high temperature resistance index of rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent is very high, and its application fields are also very wide. Rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products is suitable for:

1. It is suitable for whitening polyester PET, polyamide PA, polyacrylonitrile, polyphenylene sulfide PPS, polycarbonate PC and other fibers as well as silk and wool fabrics.

2. Widely used in film, injection molding and hard engineering extrusion materials, suitable for all plastic processing, including injection molding, blow molding, extrusion, granulation and other processes. 3. It is very suitable for whitening synthetic polymers at any processing stage above 330 ℃, including polymerization stage. The advantage of this product is that it can withstand high temperature up to 380 degrees, which can not be compared with other traditional whitening agents. It is a kind of whitening agent used in domestic high temperature hard plastics.

Rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products, this product has very good effect when used. Of course, the addition amount in the product is also very small. The whiteness problem can be solved by adding 100g to 300g per ton of product. This product also has the following advantages:

1. Small dosage, 1 ton of product only need to add 50g to 100g, high whitening intensity, very small dosage can produce very good whitening effect.

2. Wide applicability, widely used in the whitening of polyester and other chemical fibers and various plastics.

3. It has good compatibility with plastics, high temperature resistance, light and weather resistance. Rqt-b-5 fluorescent whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products is a special whitening agent for high temperature rigid plastic products. It is also a product produced by Richter company. For high temperature products, special whitening agent should be selected to achieve good effect.
